Milton Ulladulla Sewer Trunk Main


Project Value



Milton, Ulladulla NSW




The Milton – Ulladulla Sewer Trunk Main project involves the upgrade of two sewer systems: An upgrade of an existing gravity main at Geoffrey St, Ulladulla and the construction of a new 5km long Sewer Rising Main between Milton and Ulladulla.

Project Requirements:

  • Construction of approximately 2000m of DN355 and 3300m of DN630 HDPE pipes including; air valves, section valves, scour valves, thrust blocks, road crossings (thrust bored), under boring (HDD) and connection to the existing Ulladulla WWTP
    inlet works.
  •  Construction of 250m of DN450 SewerMax gravity main in Geoffrey Street Ulladulla including manholes and connections to existing infrastructure to replace the existing DN375 AC main.
  •  Installation of flowmeter, pressure transducers and associated
    reinforced concrete pits for flow measurement and leak detection.
  •  All necessary clearing works within the construction corridor
    to allow for successful installation of the new pipeline.
  •  Excavation, bedding, laying, backfill and compact and reinstatement
    of open trench sections of the pipeline.