Ocean Shores Water Reticulation Renewal


Project Value



Ocean Shores NSW



Project Details:

Construction of approximately 2.4km of new DN125 PN16 polyethylene pipe pressure mains, 25mm property services, hydrants, stop valves, all testing, disinfection and restoration. The project required the replacement of the existing aged AC water mains, PVC property services, hydrants and stop valves. Construction methods employed included a combination of horizontal directional drilling, open trenching and underboring by auger. Over 120 footpath crossings/driveways were underbored, 30 road crossings
drilled and over 50 hydrants and stop valves were replaced.

Project Outcomes

This project demonstrated Ledonne Constructions approach to its projects. Ledonne Constructions and Byron Shire worked as a team to tackle varying ground conditions, unidentified services, material variances and additional augmentation works requested throughout the course of construction.

This approach together with extensive community liaison
worked to ensure the ongoing and successful completion
of the project.